Helllooooo folks!
No, I'm not complaining, just a little bitter I guess that Vancouver is getting snow before we are here in Halifax! What's with that?!!
Though I can't say I'm jealous of their recent weather since while last week we were enjoying sunshine and temperatures up to 20oC, folks back home were faced with rain and wind warnings, blackouts and boil water recommendations. But back to the snowy white stuff for a second here... Vancouver is supposed to be wet this time of year, whereas I keep on dreaming of the images I've seen in Halifax tour books, of Tim Horton addicts (in other words, any and all Nova Scotians) walking in for their cup of joe!
Maybe I'll hold off on my snowshoe purchase for the time being!
All this seemingly backwardness has made me think about plans, how sometimes we opt for A for B to get away from a, but in the end, B has more than a or less of what caused us to chose B over A. It's crazy really. In our modern lifestyles, it's so easy to move across the country, or even to the other side of the globe. But with all these possibilities, is one place better than another, or is it just how you make it? Is it worth establishing deep roots in one place, or adapting a more mobile arrangement, allowing one to pursue opportunities elsewhere?
Everyone keeps on asking when I'll go back home, as if it's the natural thing to do. To be quite honest, I'm not too sure what my plans are. Sure, BC is a great province with lots of things to see and do- I particularly miss our big giant trees and mountains, and of course that's where my family is and the bulk of my friends. Funny, I refer to the trees and mountains as "ours", but I'm not 100% convinced that I will choose to go back and "settle" there... does anyone really know?
Que sera, sera - as the saying goes- words of wisdom if you ask me...
Maybe I'll just start cutting snowflakes out of recycled paper for decoration... !!