Kroozin Canada

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

HA- HA- ha-ha-ha!!! :D

So some colleagues and friends and I attended the Halifax Laughing Club tonight. Yes, please double read that once or twice or how ever many times until you've digested what strange things Halifax offers! A laughing club, an interesting concept, we thought so to as we entered a room full of strangers... It was all kind of weird!

There were 2 facilitators that seemed to be quite serious about the whole thing and about 25 of us. The went through dozens of laughing exercises, some of them really funny, and some of them having us looking at each other and just laughing because of the ridiculousarity (I know that isn't a word, but in this context, that doesn't much matter, cause well, we're talking about a laughing club...!) of it all! There were a half dozen people that just killed us cause their laughing was so contagious! I definitely had tears on more than one occasion!

I kept on thinking about the grand scheme of this. A laughing club? And that's what was funny. But the facilitators, as I said were crazy serious. Apparently they were celebrating their 1 year anniversary of the club and had cupcakes and stuff- kind of cute!

So, in case you've been wondering what I've been doing with my time in Halifax- wonder no more!... Cause I've joined Halifax's Athletic Laughing Club- maybe a cult, maybe a crazed fad, but good for a few laughs for sure! :)

So laughs and smiles all around folks! :D



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