Kroozin Canada

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Otesha-ing the Maritimes!

Summer time and the cycling wheels are turning...

Cheers friends and folks!

It's been a while, but I just wanted to update my adventures as part of the Otesha Project's East Coast bike tour team. 14 of us are cruising through the Southern shore of NS and are currently in Yarmouth. It is an energetic, fun-filled, and pretty intense experience but I am definitely loving seeing and learning more from the communities we are passing through.

Case in point: Pubnico. Last night we camped outside le Muse Acadien in the small village, which is the oldest Acadian settlement apparently. As we entered the town, there were signs EVERYWHERE supporting Dwight D'Eon who is currently competing on the Canadian Idol. One sign said: "I may be 93, but Dwight is my Idol"!!! :) So cute! We cheered for Dwight at the local Legion with some of the locals, many of whom have the same last names and are distantly related to their local hero!

Not only that, but it was really cool to chat with the lobster and haddock fishermen on the dock in French, well Acadian French, which was quite a treat to hear. It's a mix of both languages and comes across almost as a mumble. I found I really had to concentrate, but boy were they friendly! We got a tour of the boat and they described the fishing methods.

Finally, after a tour of the museum, we were presented with patches which the community members made with little Acadian flags on them, in addition to freshly baked bread for breakfast! :)

Anyways, quite enjoying the unique opportunity to travel in a mobile community who is passionate about environmental and social issues. We are having lots of fun, learning lots and are excited to see more of NS till Digby (and hopefully some local scallops) and off to New Brunswick!

Hope everyone is having a great summer thus far! Though it's tough to find time to fit in a blog entry, I look forward from hearing from you! :)

"Much peace and bicycle grease" (one of the many Otesha sayings),

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Watch out Maritimes... here comes Team Otesha!

That's right: drivers, clear the road,
Youth, get excited about environmental sustainability,
Pull out the recycling bins, open up minds, turn those frowns upside down...
As here comes Team Otesha on the Maritimes Tour!! :)

Hello loyal blog readers excited about a green future!

I've posted before a little bit about the Otesha Project and the bike tours that are occuring across Canada to promote the issues of environmental sustainability and social justice to youth. I am a member of the Maritimes team, one of 14 21-30 year olds who are passionate about the environment and encouraging others to consider their everyday choices in light of the health of our good'ol friend: Mother Earth!

We will be touring around the Maritimes on 2 wheels (well, 2x14 actually... plus bike trailers) for 2 months giving presentations and engaging others on how they can make a difference.

I'm super excited and looking forward to meeting the team this afternoon. I'd also like to thank all of you who supported me in this initiative through helping with my fundraising or providing encouragement along the way. We will have a team blog to update you of our travels and I will provide you with more information after our week long training week which begins... today! :)

All the best to everyone for a great summer filled with lots of smiles and of course, watermellons! :)
