From the beginning...
Namaste again!
Anyways, arriving in Gangotri- where the pilgrims begin their trek to Gamukh (or "Cow's Mouth" glacier, the source of the Ganga) was cold (why do I find myself in extemes in this country)! Though my stomach was still a far cry from being healthy, I made the full day trek into the camp 4km below Gamukh passing sadhus with their orange robes and tin carriers and
about 30 other folks in a sea of blankets in a dabhas (a tea stand) which was quite an experience and was happy that another foreigner (German guy) and I had befriended a small Indian group that spoke english very well. Despite snow, leaks and a hopelessly late dinner at 9pm (hungry!), we awoke to a beautiful day and I continued to Gamukh. Passing several Hindu shrines, I came to the base of the glacier and the Cow's Mouth- pretty spectacular site, both in the symbolic sense and the natural beauty of the surounding sites.
And so this completes my journey to the source of the Ganga, and filled with much Hindu karma, I rest my angry stomach in Dehra Dun and find my thoughts drifting home...
I hope all is well with all of you and it's always good to receive notes and greetings! :)
Be well and much peace,
The first "snap" is the Gamukh glacier. Note the small opening (Cow's Mouth). There she be... the beginning of the great Mother Ganga! The second is a line of Dabhas, where I slept... an interesting experience indeed! But can't beat the 15 rupee charge (the equivalent of less that 50 cents)!