Kroozin Canada

Friday, January 12, 2007

An email from a proud American


So, I bought some "One less car" bike stickers for my current fundraising activities, and the supplier guy (who is American) wrote me this in his email (for the context, he was asking about my use of "cheers" to sign off emails). Pretty extreme, so I thought I'd share. You've gotta kind of feel for the Americans who aren't being even remotely accurate represented by their country's policies...

nways, here it goes...

"I thought "cheerio" was just another Brit version of
"cheers", but used for for signing off a letter, whereas "cheers" is
what you say when making a toast in a bar, restaurant, lounge, indoors
or out, anywhere, anytime, (and for almost) anything. By the way, that
("Anywhere Anytime Anything") is the title of a compilation CD of many
of Canadian singer/songwriter Bruce Cockburn's best songs over a three
decade career. Some of my favourite (public/famous) people are from
that great northern dominion. Your flag is a badge of honor, whereas
ours is a mark of shame (which is why so many American travelers to
other parts of the globe purposely wear a Canadian maple leaf flag
patch sewn on their backpack or jacket sleeve. It is a helpful
deception to try to "pass for Canadian" rather than a member of our
arrogant, self-indulgent, condescending, narcissistic, militaristic,
zenophobic, under-educated, angry, out-of-control, TV & shopping
addicted, mesmerized by violence of all forms, bullying, insecure,
raucous, apathetic, bloated, windbag of pseudo-ideas, fast food, Last
Superpower, dying empire of a nation that we, the privileged of USA
were born into. It's a burden to be the in flesh representative of
such a fear, despised, loathsome empire. I got pretty carried away
trying to elaborate on the hideous underbelly of my country's bad
points. It's good points are many of its people. Among its bad points
are (alas) many (OK, some) of its people.(the ones who chant like
neanderthals: "U-S-A! U-S-A!" with rising hostility and
foaming-at-the-mouth mad dog fervor while waving their little plastic
Made In China U-S-A flags at football games and while they
counter-demonstrate against peace vigils, rallies, actions. Oh, I
could elaborate, but it gets to be self-indulgent just thinking about
and bemoaning my less-informed, less-intelligent, more
racist-sexist-homophobic, pseudo-"patriotic" citizens f the shrinking
pro-Bush, pro-war, SUV-lovin', BASCAR race cheerleading fellow, duped
and programmed Americans."
– [on-line supplier guy] (who should be doing more constructive things at the moment)


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