Kroozin Canada

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Introducing the Otesha Project (duh, duh, duh-duh!!)


I've gotta put a plug in for this, not just cause I'm doing it (which in itself means it must be cool, eh? Relative to buying new bike tires eh Kristy?... It's all relative at this point…!!) but because it's a really cool thing. So please, bear with me...

The Otesha project is a grassroots and youth-based environmental outreach and education group that does cycling tours using creative skits and presentations to promote the ideas of sustainability and social justice. I'm a member of the 2007 Cycling Tour and Presentation team - Maritimes region! That means in the summer (July 1st to the end of August), I'll be cycling in a mobile community made up of about 15-20 other Canadian youth.

Picture (Metafile)

What is really cool about this project, in addition to the fact that it blends cycling and environmental education, which are awesome, is that this group really walks (or should I say cycle) the talk! We will be eating as much local and organic foods as possible, the Otesha team shirts are all printed on re-used shirts, and the Otesha policies are also very though-through to ensure that their practices are as green as can be. As Kermit the frog said, it's not easy being green, perhaps, but it definitely can be done and is not really all that difficult if we consider our small everyday choices and what a difference they can make. That's the basic premise of the Otesha project right there, we will be using consumerism and all the things we do on a regular bases to show how simple things add up to make a significant positive difference to our good old buddy, the planet!

Anyways, I'm currently in the midst of planning fundraising activities including a pub night (since I live in Halifax after all!), a bowlerama, making recycled 1-sided notebooks with some of my art on the title page, some greetings cards with KW's nifty designs on the front and writing letters to environmental organizations and companies that may want to support me and the team. A lot of work really, but could be a lot of fun as well (and hopefully fruitful!)

Nways, no more selling this project, cause I'm sure it must be sold! Plus, I'm sure you'll be reading much more about it in the near future as the tour dates come up.

Cheerios and have a love-the-environment kind of day! :) (I think working at Environment Canada is really getting to my blood!...)



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