It's beginning to look a lot like ... Vancouver!

Hello West coast home!
All in all, and A class visit. Got to catch up with lots a friends, had a fantastic time with my family and 2 year old Mylene (my 2nd cousin who's tooooo cute!), my immediate family, who are so much more lovable than I remember them... what happened??? ;)
But I'll start from the top... Boy was it exhilirating to see the Rockies from the plane. Funny, you really miss their presence when you're gone. I was practically jumping up and down from my seat on the edge of the middle row of the plane. I think the people next to me thought I was seizuring! But they're beauties!

Even Dad partook in the festivities!
And got to eat yummy sushi and even Dim Sum!!! Yum, yum! How I missed my ethnic foods while in Halifax. Did I mention on a previous post that I tried eating sushi here one night... They put hot sauce on the salmon sashimi????!!! To disguise the taste of atlantic farmed salmon...??? I don't want to know. So that was awesome!
Then Christmas, seeing aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, little ones, dogs, singing Santa Clauses and all! We all had a great time. I have my grandparents a carving from a fallen branch of the Halifax Commons, the public space of Halifax, as a spirit stick. My uncle said "a great hobby for a tree hugger". And yes, it is, thank you very much.. but I prefer "air snuggle" these days... :)

So, a great 2007 Christmas! So good in fact, that it made me wonder why I was coming back to halifax... dum, dum, dummmmmmmm.
But that will have to wait for another blog, cause time for bed! :)
Night! :)
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