Yikes, Kristy, you there??!
Hello there!!! :)
Sorry for the HUGE delay in my posts! I haven't really disappeared in person, as much as it would seem online...
So, where was I?
A lot has happened here in Halifax since my last post. Well, to begin with, I'm loving Halifax (no, that's not new). It's fun to be somewhat starting from scratch, living on my own (with great roomates) searching for work all over a totally new city, exploring the local hangouts and now settling into a new job.
Wait a sec, I'll provide some details. So, we live on Agricola Street, which is right next to Halifax Commons, where not too long ago, we got to peek in on a free Rolling Stones concert. It's great since everything is close and we're downtown. Amy (law student at Dal, but also recovering ski patroller and instructor), Erin (medical anthropologist of the year) and Andrew (Clean Nova Scotia energy pro), Nim (the most brillant and sweetie cat ever), Buckwheat (buffers the brillancy of Nim... our own in-house entertainment) and I are enjoying life in "the White House". My little "closet" is very cozy and I love it! The house is OLD (like all houses in Halifax) and it's not interested in the architecture of straight lines!!

LIVE: The Stones (from our doorstep)
Nova Scotia is beautiful right now and definitely lives up to my dream of living "out East" in the Fall. I've been collecting leaves and acorns and plan to decorate my wee room. A 10 minute bike ride takes you right out of the city into a cornucopia (a great word) of Autumn colours... awesome!

I'm volunteering lots to meet my fellow Haligonians, not just because the name is cool! Saturdays at the market are always fun, and I managed to sneak some free films at the Atlantic film fest. Good times...
What else? Oh yes, I was back in Van for my grad convocation which was nice since it allowed me the chance to see my dear family again! :)
And that brings me to Work. Yes, I've joined the 9-5er world (no comment from me...). I'm working for Environment Canada on Aboriginal policy development issues and am conducting a national survey of arrangements. It's interesting to be on the "inside" of the public system... Lucky for me though is that it's a 15 minute bike ride! :)
Other than that, emails are always great to receive. So are phone calls. We have unlimited long distance priviledges, which makes talking on the phone reasonable! I'd love to hear from you! :)
Hope you are all happy and well!
Much love and all that jaz, :)
Kristy (one of the Westerners-turned honourable Haligonian)

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