Before the storm... or should I say Vancouver
Either way, really... they both seem to be synonomous these days...
Anyways, this blog should have been written a while back, about 3 or so weeks to be exact, but a year gone by... whatever, it's going to happen. And happen now it will. And plus, now that I know that this blog is actually read by some loyal friends, than it inspires me all the more to update it more than once a month or so. We'll see how long this inspiration lasts, since it is the end of the first week in January, after all.
So, please bare with me... The day was Dec 21st, 2006 (don't worry, the next couple blogs should take us up to this year), and was my last day at work before my flight back to Vancouver for Christmas and all that good stuff. I decided that since I was still riding my bike and/or walking to work with quite mild temperatures, did I mention it was almost Christmas...?, that I'd take a few pics of my walk and day to give a glimpse into the life of me (which isn't that exciting, but I felt like being an acting-photographer for the day)... Here she is:

So, here she is... my little Halifax from MacDonald (of course) bridge that I commute over everyday. Beautiful views, but it also gets very windy, after all, this is the Atlantic ocean. The pic on the left shows the skyline, what maybe 10 or so large highrises. :) I love it! And the pic on the right is the Halifax Navy base, with all their boats. I was hoping to pass a Navy guy dressed in motif with a Timy's coffee in one hand while going over the bridge, but no such luck, although any other day, I would have been pleased!
Anyways, the next 2 are from work- my view and desk. Wow, my life is so interesting... this is wh

Yup, I've got a map so I know where the hell I am and when people talk about somewhere in the maritimes, I don't stand out as much as a dreaded CFA (Come from Away), that's what they call us... That's why I feel so guilty that I'm not a huge fan of Keith's beer... it's a HUGE no-no in this part of the world!!!
Anyways, sorry for the boring post... I promise I'll try to live more on the wildside in the future!! Stay tuned kids! :)
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