From the Pacific, eyeing the Atlantic

Home sweet home from Bamfield, a 6 week intensive (bold, underline) biology field school consisting of trampling over intertidal rocks in search of limpets (what?) and barnacles as well as learning multivariate stats. Oh, good times.
Preparation for the next adventure has begun, code name: KroozinCanada. For the next 3 to 4 months, I'll be pedal pushing coast to coast across our true, north, strong and free. With Cat Goulet from Montreal as my companion, we are leaving in the spirit of Mark Twain who said:
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do that by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines (or kick back the kick-stand). Sail away from safe harbour (ride). Catch the trade winds in your sails (go for it). Explore. Dream. Discover.
The purpose of this blog is to provide an update as to my whereabouts and what-abouts (oh, joy to uniqueness of undictionaried words). In case you're wondering, my parents nicknamed me Kroozy when I was wee since I'd always be on the move exploring, so aptly, here I am Kroozin again! Now, if I could only find my bike tools...
Enjoy! :)
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