My bags are (almost) packed... I'm (nearly) ready to go...
Well, I'm not really standing outside anyone's door either...
Hmmm, perhaps I need a new theme song for the next few days!!!
Anyways, hello folks!
Just thought a blog was needed to share my upcoming travel plans since I suppose that's what these types of technologies are good at...
For those of you that don't know the goods yet, I'm leaving Thusday evening for a 3 1/2 month trip to Nepal and Northern India. I'm meeting up with John, a friend of mine from this side of the country, in Kathmandu (the capital of Nepal) where we will travel up to a rural community called Nangi. John has spend the last month or so volunteering here. The community has set up a high school and various other community-based projects like a agricultural nursery and micro-enterprise ventures. I plan to volunteer for about 3 weeks or so and hope to learn l about the local culture as well as share any skills that I have that would be of benefit to the locals.
For those of you that are wondering, I met John through volunteering here in Halifax at the Grainery and it so turned out that he was leaving for Nepal. And well, that being a dream of mine for too long now, I was quite tempted to join him. Weighing out my adult responsibilities of work vs. travelling, and trying to come to a decision wasn't easy. In the end, I decided to go for it as travelling with a trustworthy and compatible person is a definite plus and knowing how things happen, my original plans of travelling Fall 07 could be easily bumped by any other interesting opportunity. Funny how the world turns...
Nangi is located in the Himalayas on the Anapurna circuit, which we are planning to trek once we leave from Nangi. It is relatively high up with an elevation of about 2300m and they just got a bunch of snow that has left them out of power. Though compared with Everest and the other 7 mountains in Nepal that are among the top 10 in the world, this should be a piece of cake!! (?!?)
I have elluded to trekking above, which we will spend much of our time in Nepal doing. We have read up and talked to many folks and it seems to be a great place to test out the hiking boots! Apparently, one can easily spend 21 days trekking the Anapurna circuit! It is also a transport route so there are lots of very economical accomodations available in tea houses. (yes, for my dearly loved parents and grandparents out there, I am fully imunized against too many pathogens to mention here and also am stocked with a first aid kit of medications and goodies, and a water purifying system... thank you for your concern though!! xox)
We are also hoping to travel down into the Kashmir region of India. I have been quite interested in this region of the world for a long time, coincidently, so has John, so depending on climate and accessibility, we look forward to our adventures there.
Other than this, the trip is really an open book. I'm excited to be challenged to learn about other ways of knowing and be exposed to cultures and landscapes that I have been interested in for years now.
I'm quite excited and hope to update this blog every now and then so as to keep you folks somewhat informed. I make no promises, however, as I'm not sure how accessibly internet access will be once we move on from major cities in Nepal. But please check back every now and then and I will be eager to share stories and pictures upon our return!
Much love and all that jaz! Or, perhaps "Namaste" is more appropriate! (by the way, the word Namaste apparently means "I salute the good in you"... how cool!)
Kristy :)
ps. On a slightly less interesting note, my good friend vertigo has decided to make packing and arranging last minute details a little more challenging than ideal, and is back to visit me again. I have rested now for 2 days, delaying wrapping up and sharing my goodbyes to the great folks at Environment Canada. I'm hoping that I will be 100% for my Thursday evening flight and have a few more things to arrange before then, but time will tell. In any case, I hope this blog is somewhat coherent and not as dizzy in words as I feel in real life! My appologies if clarity seems to be lacking...
oooo kristy..i hope u recover from ur vertigo! and have an amazing trips..i can't wait to hear all about ur adventures and see ur pix!!!
love ya!
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